We are open Tuesday - Sunday, 12pm - 6pm | 185 Queen Street East, Toronto

Hoya Callistophylla
Hoya Callistophylla

Hoya Callistophylla


Hoya Callistophylla is one of the most sought-after foliage Hoyas. This Hoya is slower growing and rarely blooms. Instead of the flowers, Hoya lovers are taken with the vibrant, veined leaves. It's unusual to see light-coloured leaves and dark veins, making this Hoya a unique addition to your collection.

Plants and pots sold separately.

Medium to bright indirect light.

Water sparingly, let soil dry out between watering.

Yes - This plant is non-toxic!

This is an easy to care for houseplant that will live in a number of conditions, but will thrive in higher humidity and bright, indirect light.


Medium to bright indirect light.


Water sparingly, let soil dry out between watering.

Pet Friendly?

Yes - This plant is non-toxic!

General Care Tips

This is an easy to care for houseplant that will live in a number of conditions, but will thrive in higher humidity and bright, indirect light.