We are open Tuesday - Sunday, 12pm - 6pm | 185 Queen Street East, Toronto

Anthurium Veitchii
Anthurium Veitchii

Anthurium Veitchii


Often known as the “King Anthurium”, Anthurium veitchii is a stunningly gorgeous species that hails from Colombia. It is one of the largest epiphytic Anthuriums, growing on trees instead of in the ground, and the leaves can easily get up to 4-6 feet long in good conditions.

This picture is representative and may not be the plant you receive.

Plant and pot sold together as a set.

Medium to bright indirect light.

Water about once a week, when the top 1-2" of soil feels dry.

No - Can cause mouth irritation and digestive reaction.

Juvenile leaves look a bit different from mature, and it takes some time before the beautiful corrugated texture becomes more pronounced on the foliage at which point they will also feel thick and leathery.


Medium to bright indirect light.


Water about once a week, when the top 1-2" of soil feels dry.

Pet Friendly?

No - Can cause mouth irritation and digestive reaction.

General Care Tips

Juvenile leaves look a bit different from mature, and it takes some time before the beautiful corrugated texture becomes more pronounced on the foliage at which point they will also feel thick and leathery.