We are open Tuesday - Sunday, 12pm - 6pm | 185 Queen Street East, Toronto

Anthurium Magnificum
Anthurium Magnificum

Anthurium Magnificum


A must have for any collection and instantly recognizable, Anthurium Magnificum is a stunning tropical plant that thrives indoors. This anthurium species has large, dark-green leaves with prominent white veins and a velvety or leathery texture.

Best yet, not only is this plant beautiful, it is one of the easiest to maintain Anthurium varieties! New foliage opens up a dark red/brown and slowly darkens to deep green.

Plant and pot sold together as a set.

Medium to bright indirect light.

Water about once a week, when the top 1-2" of soil feels dry.

No - Can cause mouth irritation and digestive reaction.

Similar to other Anthuriums, Magnificum doesn’t like direct sunlight and the leaves can burn. Keep your plant in bright indirect light and well draining media. It doesn’t need much care but keep in mind a rain forest, where it is native. This plant requires a fair amount of humidity to thrive. It is better to place this plant with other indoor plants to take advantage of the transpiration.


Medium to bright indirect light.


Water about once a week, when the top 1-2" of soil feels dry.

Pet Friendly?

No - Can cause mouth irritation and digestive reaction.

General Care Tips

Similar to other Anthuriums, Magnificum doesn’t like direct sunlight and the leaves can burn. Keep your plant in bright indirect light and well draining media. It doesn’t need much care but keep in mind a rain forest, where it is native. This plant requires a fair amount of humidity to thrive. It is better to place this plant with other indoor plants to take advantage of the transpiration.