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Sago Palm
Sago Palm
Sago Palm
Sago Palm

Sago Palm


Order for pickup only at 185 Queen Street East, Toronto.

Despite their common name, sago palms technically aren't true palm trees at all. These fairly low-growing plants with long green fronds are actually cycads, a group of ancient tropical and subtropical plants that usually grow from a trunk that doesn't branch and produce seeds but don't flower or fruit. Cycas revoluta.


Plants and pots sold separately.

Medium to bright indirect light.

Water sparingly, let soil dry out between watering.


No - This plant is toxic to pets. The seeds are most toxic when ingested by pets and pay cause liver damage. 

These plants are extremely slow-growing and often put out only one new frond each year, with the feather-like foliage growing in a symmetrical ring.


Medium to bright indirect light.


Water sparingly, let soil dry out between watering.

Pet Friendly?


No - This plant is toxic to pets. The seeds are most toxic when ingested by pets and pay cause liver damage. 

General Care Tips

These plants are extremely slow-growing and often put out only one new frond each year, with the feather-like foliage growing in a symmetrical ring.