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False Aralia
False Aralia

False Aralia


Order for pickup only at 185 Queen Street East, Toronto.

False Aralia has beautifully textured foliage, with deeply serrated leaflets that start out a copper or burgundy shade and eventually deepened to a rich green. Though the plant can reach heights of up to 6 feet when fully mature, it is a slow-growing varietal, so plan on enjoying it petite for at least a few years.

Plants and pots sold separately.

Medium to bright indirect light.

Water about once a week, when the top 1-2" of soil feels dry.

No - Can cause mouth irritation and digestive reaction.

False Aralia need at least moderate humidity to do their best and prefer a narrow range of moisture—if they're too dry, they tend to drop leaves.


Medium to bright indirect light.


Water about once a week, when the top 1-2" of soil feels dry.

Pet Friendly?

No - Can cause mouth irritation and digestive reaction.

General Care Tips

False Aralia need at least moderate humidity to do their best and prefer a narrow range of moisture—if they're too dry, they tend to drop leaves.