We are open Tuesday - Sunday, 12pm - 6pm | 185 Queen Street East, Toronto

Philodendron El Choco Red
Philodendron El Choco Red
Philodendron El Choco Red

Philodendron El Choco Red


Philodendron ‘El Choco Red’ is a climbing, aroid tropical that makes a great houseplant. The green, velvety, heart-shaped leaves are soft to the touch. New growth emerging on ‘El Choco Red’ is a rich chocolate-red colour. As the foliage matures, it shifts to a deep green with the underside continuing to be a stunning red for an extended time.

Plants and pots sold separately.

Bright indirect light. Will tolerate lower light, however plant will be leggy and elongated.

Water about once a week, when the top 1-2" of soil feels fully dry.

No - Can cause mouth irritation and digestive reaction.

Philodendron ‘El Choco Red’ appreciates a warm humid environment, and a moderate amount of water and light. Place your plant in a spot where it will receive bright indirect sun/light for best results. New leaves from spike to unfurling can take up to 1~2 months.


Bright indirect light. Will tolerate lower light, however plant will be leggy and elongated.


Water about once a week, when the top 1-2" of soil feels fully dry.

Pet Friendly?

No - Can cause mouth irritation and digestive reaction.

General Care Tips

Philodendron ‘El Choco Red’ appreciates a warm humid environment, and a moderate amount of water and light. Place your plant in a spot where it will receive bright indirect sun/light for best results. New leaves from spike to unfurling can take up to 1~2 months.